Mom’s Chili Boys


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David Robinson began writing his script over a decade ago based on the stories shared with him by his mentor & great friend, Tom McKenzie.  The Chilis began writing new music and re-arranging older tunes to fit his story shortly after that…

...and the rest is history.  

In the two days before what would have been Tom's 80th birthday the first iteration of The Lost Boy was successfully staged…and many thanks to those of you who were part of it. We had a enough reservation requests we could not fill to have extended the run another weekend had that been an option. 

There were skeptics who said it would never get done once.  We proved them wrong to the tune of not one but two sold-out houses.

Opening night jitters on Friday led to one or two tense moments but 24 hours later was a different story.  Of the two nights both the cast and band unanimously chose the Saturday closer as a very nearly perfect performance by all our standards. 

But whether you made it to Friday, Saturday or both we owe every one of you a huge thanks for your support in this llllooonnnngggg adventure.  For those of you who could not join us this first time around please stay in touch and plan to catch some future run.  Playwright/narrator David Robinson now has confirmation that "this story has legs".  

The Boys were all delighted that our music was so well appreciated.  The most frequently heard comment was how well our work complemented the action & story. Really, things could not have been better from our point of view.

On Friday your favorite Boys played 14 instrumental originals beginning with an opening set that was planned to be just three tunes but stretched to 5 to allow time to seat the large crowd.  Saturday's crowd got in faster, settled immediately after we started the first tune and then gave us a ride to remember.

No performer thrives without a responsive audience.  Both nights gave us the ultimate satisfaction of getting back more than we gave.

We are putting together a collection of all the music we played--including the newest material from the opening sets and from intermission.  A video was made of Friday's show.  When/if that will be made public remains to be decided.  We will keep you posted.  There is already talk of future performances though dates and locations are far from set.  

If you have questions or comments--complimentary or critical--please DO NOT HESITATE to share them with us.

Try as we might we didn't all get a chance to chat with everyone after the shows.  Our apologies if we missed you; it was all just a bit overwhelming!


Jim & The Boys 

The Lost Boy

Upcoming Events

Lincoln Center

Sunday 11/13 11am-2pm

Saturday, 11/26, 11am-2pm

Sunday, 11/27,   11am-2pm

Friday, 12/2,     4-7pm

Saturday, 12/3, 4-7pm

Friday, 12/9,     4-7pm

Saturday, 12/10,  4-7pm